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The Hold Artspace, Brisbane, QLD, 26-29 March 2014

The Disco Dilettante delights in the superficial nature of all things seductive, shiny and fantastic. This exhibition of recent work considers the elements that make up the glamourous, excessive popular culture of the 70s. The work explores how materials that use the illusionistic qualities of light, as well as certain designs and bright colours from that era, can echo experiences of the discothèque.


Social pic thanks to The Weekend Edition are available HERE.

Disco Inferno, 2014, digital photo-print on Kodak Endura paper, ed.1/3, 30 x 30cm.

Disco Dilettante, 2014, glitter, sequins and nails on board, 30 x 45cm.

Infinity Mirror #1-#5, 2014, wood, acrylic, LEDs, 35 x 80cm each.

Infinity Mirror #1-#5 (installation view), 2014, wood, acrylic, LEDs, 35 x 80cm each.

How to Disco Dance, 2014, single channel video projection, pinspot, gold foil curtain, acrylic on wood, foil contact, dimensions variable.

How to Disco Dance, 2014, single channel video projection, pinspot, gold foil curtain, acrylic on wood, foil contact, dimensions variable.

Diamond Meadows #2, 2014, sequins, wire, pinspots, rotating motor, dimensions variable.

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